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If you could spend 24 hours locked in a room with any person throughout history, who would it be and why?


  1. In the history of the human kind there were many different great people around the world who influented and changed our life thinking different. It is hard to decide only one person which I would prefer to meet. If it were possible that person would be Napoleon Bonoparte. I'd like to say that he was a significant man who was regarded as a person who was responsible for many historic events. I adore him because Napoleon led his armyin this fashion for nearly 20 years, literally changing the face of Europe and of his people.
    Finally, I can say that meeting Napoleon would be a good chance to get many answers. I wonder if sometime there will be such a technology for example a time machine.

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  3. If you could spend 24 hours in a room with any person throughout history, who would it be and why? Very interesting question because our story is very large and it is unknown when it will end. I would like to talk with people of the future who could tell me a lot of interesting and new things. Perhaps even what I could not imagine.
    I would like to ask something that could make life easier for me. Why do not I want to spend such a chance to communicate with a person of the past years? On my mind, the great minds of the planet, people of the past have given us their knowledge and I will not receive new ones.

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  5. World history filled up different events and famous people who changed our world for the better or worse. These people made something positive or something negative in history. Man with I could spend 24 hours locked in a room could be Lionel Messi. He is the best football player in history. Lionel a genius of its kind and this player have a good talent. Messi have fantastic speed, dribbling. Sometimes it seems what he alien. I could learn from him slightly what he can do. I think he would not give up, because he real professional.

  6. Oh, it's an a interesting question, and i answer it by my way. My answer cant be limited only by one person, so i tell you 'bout a circle of peaple. if you give mi a choise, i would choose a one of the great warlords. It's a type of humans, that anytime can tell some stories about great battles and genius strategies. With one of them no one people fell sleep for tis 24 hours!

    P.S. The coolest pupil of the 9-v

  7. I think if I could spend 24 hours locked in a room with any person throughout history I chose my dead grandpa, because I will have been practicing with him in Physic . When he was alive, he was a famous scientist. He had been a famous physicist who works in factory.

  8. Pff .. 24 hours too much for one person.
    Why not meet with different people.
    For example, with a man who was the most famous commander and the most excellent builder and artist.
    So why not stay with the example of his great-great-great-grandmother.
    Find out more about your genealogy tree.
    Perhaps I was a descendant of Prince Yaroslav the Wise.
    But in general
    It's better to stay with your loved one for 24 hours.

  9. if I had been locked in the room for 24 hours, I would not have liked that. But if it still happens, I'd like to have a parrot with me. The parrot who speaks. He would tell me about his life in the jungle, and I would tell him about my life.

  10. So,I like music and maybe this is probably one of the most important things for me.I think music can heal our souls.And just cheer up.
    I think You already understood,that I would like to meet with some musician.And now You can think it's Michael Jackson and someone like that..BUT,let's be honest,our generation practically does not listen to it...Although,I have great respect for him as a person and an artist.
    Aaaaand a person whith whom I would like to spend 24 hours,his name is-Ed Sheeran.Why Ed?I can write about it for a long time.But,I can simple say that this person is filled whith light and kindness.His music is amazing.And probably I would like to know more Ed as a person.And get some musicial advice from him.It would be very important for me))So yeah,Ed Sheeran))


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