"Do you think you know The Mummy?" 

1. Which book was in the wrong place, while Evelyn was cataloguing and coding the library?  (Seti I,  George Bemridge, Tuthmosis III, Socrates, Tuthmosis) 
2. What is the name of the place, where they are going to explore?
3. Jonathan found a puzzle box that contained the map of Hamunaptra. Where did he find it?
4. What kind of curse had Imhotep suffered?
5. What was the message that Imhotep left, when he was mummified alive?
6. Where did they find the “Book of the dead?” ( near the belly of Anubis, near the legs of Anubis, near the head of Anubis, near the arms of Anubis, in the statue of Horus)
7. Who is the only person that knew the way to Hamunaptra, beyond O’Connell?
8. Where was the first place we see Jonathan in the movie? 
9.What is O’Connell’s first name?
10.Who says “Patience is a virtue?”
11.What were the flesh-eating bugs called?
12.What is the language of the slaves?
13.Who says “If he turns me into a mummy, you’re the first one I’m coming…”
14.Why is Imhotep afraid of cats? 
15.Thebes is the city of …
16.Who says “I loved the whole sand wall trick, it was beautiful… ” 
17. Did you enjoy watching this film?


  1. 1. George Bemridge
    2. Hamunaptra
    3. He lied to his sister that he founded it be himself, but he just stole it from a drunk man.
    4.The curse of Hom Dai. Everyone was afraid of this curse, and if someone was cursed by the Hom Dai, it means that this person did something really awful.
    5. The Death is only the beginning.
    6.Near the legs of Anubis.
    8.In the library
    10. Evelyn
    11. Scarabs
    14. Because they are the guardians of the Afterworld
    15. ...dead.
    17. Yep) Absolutely:3

    1. You go, Vika:) but not all of your answers are correct. Sooooorry:(

  2. 1 . Tuthmosis
    2. Hamunaptra
    3. He stole this puzzle box.
    4. Hom Dai
    5. The Death is only the Begging…
    6. Near the legs of Anubis.
    7. BENI :)
    8. In the coffin, in the liabrary
    9. Richard
    10. Evelyn
    11. Scarabs
    12. Hebrew language
    13. Evelyn
    14. Cats are the guardians of the underworld.
    15. The Living
    16. Beni – ma boy
    17. Of course :)

    1. There is a little inaccuracy in one of your answers:))) Can you figure out which one?

    2. Well, you most definitely can specify question №3; question №8 looks OK; question №17 is as right as rain BUT there is still a little inaccuracy in one of your answers:))) I. CANNOT. WAIT.

  3. Replies
    1. OK, OK! Whatever gave you the idea that O’Connell’s first name is Richard? Wikipedia maybe...:)

    2. Maybe Wikipedia...:D His first name is Rick?

    3. Yes, his first name is Rick:) Rick O’Connell. Looks like you are on the right side of the hedge:) FINALLY. Congrats!

    4. Phhh, easy! :D Thank you!

    5. I want to say thank you to everybody! Thank you to my parents for that I was born! Thank you to my friends who supported me on all this way, I would not achieved this without theirs "kicks"! Thank you to my English teacher Olga Nikolaevna! If you didn't show us such a movie, I woudn't get such a knowledge and reward! Thanks to me and my brain! It's unbelievable that my brain started to work at this time! I will work harder and I will get more rewards! You all will be proud of me! Thank you again! Thank you!


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