Creative Writing:
What is your “Why?” Why did you even get out of the bed this morning? Why did you eat what you ate? Why did you wear what you wore? Why did you come to school? Other than the fact that you have to:), but… Not that. The big “why”.


  1. The only true way to live in our world is have answer on those questions. We can't do something without motivation. It will be so boring work or we do it only with forcing from someone.
    "Why did you even get out of the bed this morning?". This is hard question... Only for studing in school. This is a habit that developed over 10 years of schooling. Also I must do some home work and other stuff.
    "Why did you eat what you ate?" My body need food to make energy to live more longer. Also food was delicious.
    "Why did you wear what you wore?" Because it's some kind of etiquette rules for all people. Also it's comfortable for me, and it's termoregulation is so good. I don't feeling "boiling" or "freezed" in clothes that I choose. So I choose only clothes, that will be comfortable on me.
    Why did you come to school?☺ I need to study for my future life. Also it's interesting to hear some subjects that you love.
    My "why" would be : "Why did you wasting your time?". Because it's important to use your time for all work. "Don't put work in another day if you can do it now".
    Thank's for reading, see you next time!

    Sergey Remez. 203 words.

  2. First of all, you’re so creative about creative writing. That is why it’s supposed to call Creative… I think it’s quite hard questions because you pushed us in some kind of incomprehension. Our task is finding and explaining you our big “why”. But sometimes people spend so much time by trying to find it. I’m sure that the most of people don’t have a response to this question. And now, having literally a couple of days, we need to find an answer XD Thank you so much for interesting life…
    The first that come to my mind is, of course, that we don’t the other choice. We have to. Because it’s rules of the world, rules of the society. You can’t just lie down on your bed every day and burn the candle at both ends just doing nothing(I wish I could). Another reason it’s all fault of our ancestors, prehistoric persons, they were so boring for them to sit down, run around and do something. So they decided to develop their brain’s neurons and changer their lives completely. And I’m quite sure that tens of centuries ago someone said “Let’s create for children a place as horrible as hell, need to waste most of time when they want to hang out in this place, but they will want to come back every day because they will have their friends there and called it SCHOOL”(I think it’s important reason). If even I said all this reasons, I still don’t have a clear answer nevertheless. I still don’t understand my attitude to this world. Maybe the only clear explanation would be because I have a chance. I have a chance to wake up in the morning and create something new each day. I have to eat what I want and nobody needs to force to do that(food is life, life is food). I have a chance to wear something and create new images every day, create new me every day. I have a chance to go to school because studying is only way of developing yourself. Actually, I have a chance to live. And this chance is given you only once in a lifetime, so why don’t just live our best?

  3. One clever person told me recently:"There are three types of people. Those, with whom you like to communicate. Those, who you don't like but you need to speak with them. And those, who you don't like and you will not communicate anymore." I want to say that this advice works not only with people. It works with all of your decisions in your life. My life has become easier after understanding this. It's not difficult to guess that if you often answer "Because I want to", then you are happy person. I agree that sometimes it's very difficult to answer the question about school in that way. Even if someone made you to do something, let's try to benefit from it.
    Why did I ate vegetables instead of chips? Because I want to be healthy.
    Why did I wore jacket and shirt despite the fact that I don't like this style? Because I want to change T-shirt and jeans to something new.
    Why did I come to school? Because I want to spend my hours learning material with skilled teacher instead of sitting at home and trying to memorise some formulas that I don't even understand.
    Why do we live with sad faces and words "I don't like it because I have to do this"? Just make the world work for you.

  4. Every day we wake up. Every day we live. Day by day we do something and not always think about what exactly we do and why. The reason for this is that such thoughts are quite complicated and not everyone can answer the question " Why did you even get out of the bed this morning?".
    I think that our life does not make sense. Some live for the sake of children, some for their own business, some for others. But there is no clearly defined goal to which a person should go. So everyone lives for themselves. People have a family because they want it, they do what they want. We can't avoid death, but at least we can live our lives in such way that then we will not regret about it.
    I also try to live for myself. Try. Because I must go to school and do a lot of things that are important but I don't want to do. But there are things I really want to do and there is something I really want to achieve and day by day I am closer and closer to my goal. That why do I even get out of the bed every morning and do what I do.

  5. Everyone of us have to do something everyday. But sometimes we can enjoy ourselves and do what we want. I must admit that we are to busy to enjoy our life. We're working and working and working. And this work make us behave like robots. We start doing everything automatically. And mostly we just don't know why we did something. Sometimes life doesn't give us choice to choose what to do. Why do I wake up every morning? Because I have to. No, really. I haven't got another answer. What about food. I don't have much time to cook for myself, so I just eat what my mum cook for me. Why I come to school? Another 'have to'. Of course, I realise that without education I will achieve nothing, but you know it's quite hard to realize that you need to wake up everyday at 6 o'clock and then spend the whole day in place where every teacher think that you're stupid creature that won't pass all the exams and achieve nothing ( don't worry, itsi not about you💕). But, believe me or not, it's truth. I wish I had enough freedom to make my own choices, and just then I will do what I want, and will have the answer on this hard question - ''WHY?".

  6. I understand this question like "what is the meaning of life?" Am I right? If YES, than I have no meaning in my life, no point to achieve, no path to follow. I just do everything because I'm alive and I must continue living. So thats why I'm eat what I ate, thats why I get up in the morning. Just typical procces of survive.
    And if NO than I do not understand this topic)

  7. I think that everything in our lives is based on answers to this three questions:
    What do we want to do?
    How will we do it?
    Why we are doing it?
    And the last question is the most important because it attaches meaning in previous questions. So why did I get out of my bed every morning? Because I have some purposes and tasks for myself that lead me to the final result. So waking up every day it’s for me like a starting point to achieving my goal. Everyday I wake up with a thought that today I can do a few steps forward and become better than I was yesterday. Why did I eat what I ate? Because I completely agree with the statement that we are what we eat. Our food influences on our mood, our health and our productivity. When I eat good natural food I feel energy and willingness to do something and when I eat not really good food I feel laziness and a wish just to lie on the bed.
    And of course, our appearance is an expression of our inner self. Our clothes definitely characterize us and from the appearance of each person we can say something about his or her character. So when you look good, you feel good and I wear those clothes that make me feel good and it’s also a way of my self-expression.
    I don't really see weighty reasons to go to school in my age except that I have to. I’m so tired because of school and homework and waking up so early every morning after an evening full of homework that I don't have enough time to develop myself in the duration that I want. The only adequate cause is a discipline that we get from school and some teachers that inspire pupils.
    To sum up, everything that I do every day is a part of my lifestyle so I do it because I consider it necessary to achieve my goals that I set myself.

  8. I don't sure that I understood this topic right. But my huge 'Why?' is 'Why I still haven't got a dog?'. I've dreamed about dog since I was 3 years old. Some times I imagine how cool it would be if every day after school I come home and a cute dog meets me here or wake up in the early morning to walk Rossi (I would called it Rossi). I know that we live in small flat but there are a lot of breeds that are created special for flats. I swear would love and take care of Rossi. But I know that at least 5 future years my big dream will stay just dream. That's why I don't believe in miracles and other shit. Also if in the future I will have 20 dogs it will be just an effect of kid's trauma and crashed dream.
    This 'Why?' makes me so unhappy. And then I start thinking about Why did I even get out of the bed this morning? Why did I eat what I ate? Why did I wear what I wore? Why did I come to school? I think only a miserable person can think about this questions and try to find answer. Because all this questions = one question 'What the sense of my life?'. And I think that the sense is live and don't think why we live because if you don't think about this you are a happy person. If a person is unhappy for a long time he or she lost the energy and slowly fall in depression. I think that everyone understand that depression can make with a person...
    I think I told a lot about my 'Why?' and how it connected with my psychical health.

  9. Why...Our world - it’s our big why.
    Why did you go to work?Why did you need money?Why did you get up every morning?Because you know,that you need. Without this things you can’t live,because to live - you need money,money you get from your job,but how much money you get - it’s second question.Your salary depends on your job.So,I get up every day at 6 a.m to ensure my future,because no one will not do it instead of me.
    Why did you eat what you ate?So,to have good day,you need good breakfast,to have good breakfast you will eat what you want,something tasty,something that you like.Why?Because if you eat something not tasty,you can get bad mood,and very bad day. Breakfast is very important part of day. big *Why*,I think:
    Why there is so much to do and so little time? I haven’t time to my own life,always vanity,every day:
    school,way to home,homework,sometimes additional lessons.Free only Saturday,in this day I can go for a walk with friends,or just do nothing.I need to relax.

  10. To be honest, if I had the opportunity not to get up in the morning I would have slept all my life. But the human body sleeps about 8 hours and then wakes up, I can hardly control it. I eat what I eat because hunger is not the most pleasant feeling, so I eat anything that I can find resembling food by the form (not always by the taste). I go to school because I do not want to be stupid. I'm still not that smart.
    But I understand that these questions require more philosophical answers. I think they can be combined into one question: What is the meaning of all this? What is the meaning of life? Oh, that's two questions.
    Most people immediately try to find a clear answer, for example, I live for the sake of the family, for the sake of pleasure, etc. But I believe that the meaning of life is precisely in the search for this meaning. Choosing something certain we limit ourselves, but I want to look at the world more widely. I want to see other ways and if I can I'll try to study them all.
    I get up every morning so that something happens to me today that did not happen yesterday. I cook every day to find out what it tastes like. I go to school to learn something new. Movement and improoving - that's the meaning of my life.

    Kirianova Anna

  11. Most people do what they did yesterday, the day before yesterday, a week ago, and so on.In fact, we do not notice that most of the things we do today or did yesterday we will do other days.But why?Why do we do all this?Most likely, these are habits, habits of our lives.We do it all, because we need it.We were taught by parents and we are accustomed to this.But why can not we change something?After all, when people change their place of residence, way of life, habits, they change, they become better.In fact, we decide what, where, how and when to do it.In this great "why?" conceals the meaning of our lives.We live in it.We wake up every morning, have breakfast, go to school, study, walk with friends, talk in this and it is our life.We live to develop.And again, this is great "Why?"And just!In fact, we do everything for ourselves.And no "why?" does not work here.Because we ourselves create our lives and our future.But again, a simple question, and "why?"
    And that's what everyone decides for himself.

  12. I think that everybody know the moment when you lie in your bed and brain is full of "whys". You try to answear this question but it only creates new ones.

    We wake up every morning, have breakfast, go to school/work, have lunch, go home, have dinner and go to bed. But why we should keep that routine schedule? Why we eat? sleep? study? Why we can't just power by sun energy?). Yes, scientists try to find it out but now it's essential and something that we have accepted. But people create themselves, create way of our modern life, views and behave. So sometimes you're asking not only Universe but also all mankind.

    It's human nature to ask questions and search the answears. It's not necessary to know them but anyway we want to. All our life is a WHY. Even our existence is a secret. Why we are? Why we live? Why we don't realise the fact that our being here is wonderfull and our lifetime is invaluable?

  13. Why?..You asked us about a sence of our life. And it is really a hard question. In my early 16's I wake up because I wake up because I want to develop myself and to get positive emotion from the day. And I know that if I want to develop myself and achieve my goals, I should work hard. Of course, I, like other people, make mistakes, but I never get upset about it. I only make conclutions and move on. To my goals and dreams. And every day I tried to make this world a little bit better. There is a quote: "If you want to make a world better place, take a look at yourself, and make a change". And it is my rule. Every day I try to become better that is why I eat what I eat, wear what I wear and come to school. Moreover, everything what I do connects with that I don't want to spend even a minute of my life. I want to say at the end of my life that I did everything that I want to do and to have a lot to remember. That is why I live. And it is really interesting to know what is your big "why".

  14. If I understood correctly this topic about meaning of life. Why we live in this world? Actualy, I don't know what to say... Personally, I thought about it only one time in my life, but then I realized, that I can't probably decide why. And I think it doesn't really matter. We live to study, to meet new people, to have fun, to travel etc. It doesn't matter what you do everyday, just do what you and only you want. You don't need to implement 836357212 points of list "Must do" just because someone create this list. It's your life, your desire and your rules; improve your skills, set goals and try to achieve them and just enjoy.

  15. Oh for me, this topic was difficult to understand, but I will try to convey my thoughts to you.
    Why did you even get out of the bed this morning? Almost every day I'm happy to wake up in the morning because I believe that today is a good day. Because with me could happen something interesting and not normal, I can learn or see something new, or just spend time with friends and family. However, there are days ,when I don’t want to get out of the blanket and my only dream at this moment to stay in bed forever. And I'm trying to have such bad days became less and less,because life is beautiful and we need to enjoy every day.
    Why did you eat what you ate? Our health and wellbeing depends on what we eat. Accordingly, I try to eat healthy food rich in vitamins and minerals. But sometimes I really want something useless and delicious ,for example chocolate or chips. Of course, I feel deteriorating from this kind of food.
    Why did you wear what you wore? People wear the clothes which they like. Through the clothes people express their tastes the mood and sometimes life position.
    Why did you come to school? I come to school to gain knowledge. So often I don't want to go to school,sit at boring lessons and doing homework. However, school life has a positive side such as socializing with peers and friends,participation in concerts and of course ,recognizing something new.

  16. Why? Why do I do what I do every day? This is a difficult question, but I have a simple answer. I choose the best option when choosing something. Why did I get out of bed today and go to school? Because this is the best option, otherwise I would just sit at home and do nothing, and so I teach something new in class, communicate with friends. Why did I eat what I ate? Because I'm asking my mom to cook what I like. Why did you wear what you wore? Because I like my clothes. Why do I need to change something that I like. Why did I come to school? As I already wrote, this is the best option. All my friends at school so if I do not go to school I will be bored myself. At the same time I will need a job in the future and for this I need to finish my school well. Well, and because I just have to.
    Zhenya Nagornyy

  17. Why did you even get out of the bed this morning? Because I want to live on, that is why I get out of the bed. In future, I want to become outstanding person or just to have well paid job, so now I need to study very hard, in case that its will help me to get into a cool university and then - happy future(I believe in it).
    Why did you eat what you ate? I just eat what my organism requires.(or what I can find in my fridge). Also I think that everyone should eat only healthy food, because food its like fuel for our organism and food that we eat have big influence on our well-being, mood and maybe workability.
    Why did you wear what you wore? People won’t understand if I will go walking through the streets naked)) I wear what I like.
    Why did you come to school? As I said at first paragraph, I want to have happy future and without education it is so hard to make yourself a successful people.

    The BIG WHY for me - why to be normal you need to be like everybody?!(it isn’t my individual opinion, it is opinion of majority. Also it isn’t answer)


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