Creative Writing

“A hungry stomach, an empty pocket and a broken heart can teach the best lessons of life”
And what do you think? How do you understand this quote? Do you agree or disagree? As always, you have to explain why? Have a nice weekend!


  1. I’m completely agreed with this quote. The most understandable lessons for humans are those that motivate us to move on, which leave a trace in our lives. A person with a broken heart is experienced already and doesn’t repeat his or her mistakes. So that is why first love seems fabulous and carefree to us but usually does not last long. And after this we get some important lessons that will help us next time. An empty pocket usually means that someone just failed to implement his or her plan, maybe this person failed in business. But in return this person gets an irreplaceable experience which in the future will help make money. The same situation is with a hungry stomach. Our mistakes lead to despair but what they leave behind in our lives makes us change and become wiser. So that is why a hungry stomach, an empty pocket and a broken heart can teach the best lessons of life.

  2. I'm fully agree with this quote.
    Making mistakes is normal for every person. Quite often people are warned about what they do wrong. But no less often we make mistakes in spite of the warnings and do not repeat them again. In my opinion people are better understand the lessons of life when life teach them. After making mistakes we understand how to do something correctly with help that can give us our own bright unforgettable experience. The more unpleasant experience, the more likely that it will not happen again.
    That's why “A hungry stomach, an empty pocket and a broken heart can teach the best lessons of life”.

    1. "The more unpleasant experience is, the more likely that it will not happen again." Smart:)

  3. Let us suppose you are a rich man/woman. You can get everything, do everything and live everywhere. Life becames boring because you hasn't objectives to do. If you lost all, you don't have money, you will self-develop and you will have money. So that teach you to live more successfully and wishfully.
    “A hungry stomach, an empty pocket and a broken heart can teach the best lessons of life”. That's is ideal formula for great and successful person. Wisdomly wisdom, yeah we all know that two-sense quotes of great philosphies.
    So if we are known despair we will live with remembering it all future life. "Only if we know how to live poor, we will know how to live rich, if we don't stupid". Despair and fright is tools for making you more powerful and grate man. So I agree with this quote and author's wisdom.

  4. I totally agree with this quote. Every person overcomes many difficulties in his life. Difficulties teach us to be strong and confident in ourselves. We cannot compare any school lesson, with the lessons of life.
    So when we have a broken heart, we are of course in despair ,because we didn’t expect that the pain will affect the most important person. However, such situations teach us to better understand the people and trust only real friends and relatives. A hungry stomach and an empty pocket motivates us to act decisively,because if we don't have the money, we will have nothing to eat. So, in this situation we need to find a well-paid job, develop ourselves and improve our standard of living.
    Сonsequently,what doesn’t kill us makes us stronger!

    1. "...what doesn’t kill us makes us stronger!" I can't but agree with you. It's close to my philosophy of life:)

  5. We can hear many interesting stories from friends, parents, teachers. Of course they try to teach us telling stories that happened to other people. Sometimes it can be their own experience. Fools learn from they own mistakes and smart people learn from other's mistakes. But i think that you can learn how to behave in different situations only if this happens to you.
    Are you hungry? Don't forget your lunchbox again. Are you tired and going on foot ? Take money with you for public transport next time. Oh, do you have a broken heart? Don't trust everyone.
    But not all situations worthy to happen with you. Stay calm and love yourself. You deserve to be happy.

  6. I agree with this quote. I am sure, that only setbacks and your fails can give some experience in your life. When people do something wrong, they think of where they made mistakes. About this quote : if you doen't have money, you can't have a normal life, because almost everything, what you need cost some money : food, clothes, accommodation etc. So you get huge motivation to earn money, in other words - get a job. It means that you can't stay at home every day and just do nothing.
    Broken heart. You can be very kind, naive person and think that everyone just like you, but you'll change your mind, as soon as someone betray you. And only then you will choose friends more carefully, because nobody wants to make the same mistake again.


  7. I think I agree with this quote. It’s human nature to take lessons of life and try to change their lives. And a hungry stomach, an empty pocket and a broken heart can change our lives and teach us. A broken heart can teach how to become moral stronger and change in better way. I think a broken heart is mostly about women. There are so many movies where boy breaks up with girl and this girl starts to change to impress this boy. So a broken heart can be a lesson that you cannot trust everybody in this world. We all know how many rich people in our country and we all know that they need the lesson of empty pocket. This lesson can teach us to fight on our way and to reach all our goals. Cause when you do what you like this can be money-maker. Also a good lesson of hungry stomach! We can start to appreciate food, especially mother’s. Sometimes is good to be in the bottom, because the only way is to get higher.

    1. "Sometimes it is good to be at the bottom, because the only way is to get higher. " YMMV but I think it's better and safer not to gravitate to the bottom:)

  8. I fully agree with this quote.
    In my opinion,"a hungry stomach, an empty pocket and a broken heart", probably, give the best lessons of life, because at such moments a person becomes more independent and far-sighted, remembering his mistakes, in the future "do not step on the same rake".
    First,"a hungry stomach, an empty pocket".
    These parts, perhaps, can be united in one point, because without money, you can not feed neither yourself nor your family. And falling into such a situation, a person begins to twirl a certain way, receiving life lessons, that can be useful in the future.
    Second,"broken heart".
    Love is part of everyone's life. Love can be both for something and for someone.A broken heart causes us to self-improvement, so we are getting better.
    So,a hungry stomach, an empty pocket and a broken heart can teach the best lessons of life.

  9. Living in our modern world is so difficult nowadays. Everyone tells us what to do and what to think. And I completely agree with this quote because it can explain our whole everyday routine. We go to work, earn money and spend them on some stuff for living. First of all we earn money to pay the rent and to buy food. And of course a hungry stomach will give you a lesson to earn money in order not to starving.
    Second thing is about our pockets. It's all about money nowadays. And of course everyone wants to find a well-paid job to live comfortably. So if you're lazy guy and everyone tells you to find a job but you don't want to, an empty pocket will teach you a great life lesson how to earn and spend money. What about a broken heart. We meet new people everyday. At work, at the gym, in the market. Everywhere. People surround us everywhere. And of course we can't distract ourselves from all these typical problems and heartbreaks. So if you think that have already found "your" person, who will support you no matter when and in what situation- you're really happy person. But not everyone is so lucky. And if your heart is broken, take it like a really good life lesson- not to believe everyone who pretends to be good for you.
    So this is my explanation of this quote.
    P.S.: And I'm feeling like a philosopher right now:)

    1. "P.S.: And I'm feeling like a philosopher right now:)" You've made me smile 😊😊😊.
      An old head on young shoulders:)))

  10. I fully agree with this statement, because in my opinion, your mistakes make yourself and only if you find a way to move on after another fail, you’ll have a lesson - new experience that will make you smarter. Everybody know that life isn’t easy. So we must take our pink glasses off and strongly face all “surprises” in your life way.

    So if you know misery, you will appreciate money, that you/your parents earn. If you somewhen look in the frige and find nothing, you’ll think: “I wish I didn’t eat all food yesterday!” And you’ll know that food can end and you’ll have nothing to eat. And if someone broke your heart, you’ll understand that world is cruel and people are evil and no one deserve your trust. And as Den Reynolds sang: “You never know the top till you get too low”.

    You should remember that everything you have done, would reflect in your individuality in the future. And even if it seems like it can’t be worse, find a light at the end of the tunnel.

  11. You can live a normal life. But one day you can lose everything you own. Try to imagine, how it would be terrible if you didn’t have people that you can trust and believe, you have no money and food. I think it is scary, when you are alone, with nothing…

    Since ancient times, people sought to be near one another, because it's easier to live. People have built a lot of megacities for a comfortable life, but people forgot about main purpose of this cities. And now many people selfishly spend their life alone, without family, friends, close people…
    We have to live and care for somebody and be sure that someone will support us.

    Many of people are forced to live in the streets without money for food or clothing. But I think that, even if you are too lazy, as long as you have arms and legs, you need to earn money. Even if you are as poor as a church mouse, you can unload trains, wash cars or hand out leaflets and get paid for it. You can be anything you want as long as you put your mind to it.

    So, work hard, care about your family and friends, spend your free time with them and you will never experienced «the best lessons of life».

    1. "... work hard, care about your family and friends, spend your free time with them and you will never experienced «the best lessons of life»..." Well said!

  12. I completely agree with this statement. On my opinion, hard life situations teach people more than books. Books cannot make a person stronger. But a life can. Every day people spent thousands of dollars on trash. For example: clothes(in large numbers), daily restaurants or a new 10th IPhone. They cannot even imagine their life without money. But those people, who once had an empty pocket and a hungry stomach, won't spend their money on trash or a lot of food that they don't need( now I mean millionaires). People, who overcame poverty, are more intelegent and stronger. The same is with a broken heart. If a person gets over treason, his or her heart becomes less sensitive and stronger. So next time this person won't suffer so much. Anyway, people cannot become experienced and wise without difficulties and mistakes in their life. But it is better to learn by other's mistakes than by your own.

    1. "... it is better to learn from other people's mistakes..." - easier said than done:)))

  13. I don’t have formed opinion about this quote. On one side, most of people learn on their own mistakes. On another side, some people learn on mistakes of others. So, we have two camps. To illustrate each one, I will use two different thoughts.
    First one is “Everything that does not kill us – makes us stronger”(or disabled). So, on first place this camp depend on their own life experience, as on general truth. They think, that people, who had done some mistakes in their lives, will act in other, more correct than before, way. If experience something by yourself, you won’t allow yourself to make the same mistake because of painful memories. But you can’t experience everything. For example, fall from 20th floor or eating Tide Pods, cause you likely going to die.
    Second thought is that “Smart men learn by other’s faults, fools by their own” in its many forms. Adepts of this path think that enough to watch others mistake, so they won’t commit identical faults in their future. And often, people of this kind too confident and think that won’t make any mistakes at all. But, suddenly, they step on the same rake as other people, sometimes even twice.
    I think, that we must mix this ways of learning to reach our goals without failing at all(don’t even hope, Murphy’s law says). To sum up, both of this ways have its advantages and disadvantages, so it’s too hard to choose for me.

    1. "“Everything that does not kill us – makes us stronger”(or disabled)" - LOL

  14. People rarely make right conclusions when they see mistakes of another ones. We usually make our own mistakes and become stronger and cleverer. Sometimes we are in situations that don't depend on us (like poor childhood). But we always can get good lessons from them.
    So I'm completely agree with quote “A hungry stomach, an empty pocket and a broken heart can teach the best lessons of life”. If person has an empty pocket and a hungry life , he or she has a great motivation to become a successful person and earn money. Moreover when this person get cake she/he will always remember the price of money.
    Much more harder for me say something about 'broken heart'... When somebody hurts you, you become less confiding, you start better understand good or bad one or another person. But in the same time when people often broke your heart one morning you can wake up and understand that you are lonely, reserved stone.
    All in all I think that the difficulties in life are not given to us by chance. We have to go through them to become better people.

  15. I'm fully agree with this quote.
    Every person makes mistakes, this is normal. Of course, it is better to learn from other people's mistakes. The most important thing is to make the right conclusions so that they do not commit them any more. So we gain experience on the mistakes. Sometimes it's better to make a small mistake to prevent a bigger mistake. No matter how we tried to avoid them, we still do something wrong.
    I agree with this quote precisely because it points to admitted fault. Mistakes will help us draw conclusions that are possible, will be one of the best lessons in life. This quote is an alternative "What does not we kill us makes us stronger!"

  16. I agree with this statement. Hunger, poverty and a broken heart can be teachers because they teach us to value possessions many people take for granted. If you are hungry one day, you learn how to value food; if you are poor, you know value of money; if your heart is broken, you begin to appreciate time when you were happy. On the other hand, if hardships don't kill us, they make us stronger. A hungry person will strive to achieve the best in his life so he never feels how it is to be hungry again. If your heart is broken and you know how it feels you will most likely become more careful with letting people into your heart. So, whichever way you look at these things, they can definitely teach you a lesson.

  17. I agree with it. In my opinion difficult live situation teach us better than texts. If you were hungry you know how to save some food for the next day. People who have no money in pocket know how to save money and don't spend it on not important things. If someone had broken heart, he should next time think about his/her choice. All in all i can say that we have not better teacher than live. Text can't do us stronger, but live can.

  18. In our life there a lot of different situations that can affect our lives. And the most effective lessons are a hungry stomach, an empty pocket and a broken heart.
    To fully understand this quote let’s imagine that you are a person that have a dear person, career and of course enough of money.
    And one day because of different circumstances you lose all your «treasures».
    The main problem for me would be the betrayal of the nearest person. And that’s all your hurt is broken. And after that there is chance that you would never believe in truth love. After that you lose your sense of life. The point of this lesson is that you shouldn’t open before you won’t understand person fully.
    A hungry stomach and an empty pocket as for are connected. No money — no food. But both of them take their roots from our attitude to ordinary things. If we can not appreciate something insignificant, the empty pocket and hungry stomach would be the best lesson for us.

  19. I think this statement has the truth. Everyone in his life had a story where after a broken heart, a hungry stomach or an empty wallet, people changed their lives. In someone, this story is connected to a broken heart where you left a little bit of something, and after that you decided to change your life for the better. Someone in life had a history with empty wallet, when someone had no money at all and then everyone was tired of it and they set the goal to earn more. Someone has this lesson associated with that hungry stomach. The situation here is similar to the empty wallet. But all the same, each of these situations teaches us to be stronger and to survive in this world. I have not had such situations in my life so far, but I think this statement is true. Although not, the situation with the hungry stomach is familiar to me))

  20. I agree with this statement. Everyone has their own problems and I think that everyone should take all the bad as well as all the good, because this is a good experience. You will no longer make mistakes that you did before. Each problem solved by you will inspire you and you will develop. The main thing is to be self-confident and want to become better.
    Zhenya Nagornyy

  21. I agree with this statement. Because on the face of it hungry stomach, an empty pocket and a broken heart are situations that make us stronger. Every person goes through this. And this is exactly what can make us think, makes it possible in the future to become a successful person. Each of us in our youth had unrequited love, a broken heart, wasn't it? We all went through this and it made us stronger. So hungry stomach, an empty purse too. All this makes us to move on. And it is those situations, the way out of which is to become stronger, and give the best lessons in life.

  22. I totally agree with this statement "A hungry stomach, an empty pocket and a broken heart can teach the best lessons of life". Some people learn on their mistakes, and other on the errors other peoples.The one hand to study on their mistakes very useful.After order as you stay without money you are start to appreciate each money.Without food you'll appreciate each crumb bread. Left alone you are you start to appreciate each word of the native rights. Some people обучаються on the errors other peoples.But they are not going through all of these feelings. Therefore, having experienced it all you have best lesson life.

  23. I absolutely agree with this qoute. Your stomach is hungry, your heart is broken and you do not have any money. Can you live with this? I don't think so.
    A good example is a movie "The Pursuit of Happyness" . The main character of the film lost everything. Money. His wife said goodbye to him. He stayed with a little child. Trying to survive a man got a work at company. After that he became the most famous buisnessman in the country.
    With our mistakes we gave some experience. With time it gave us happyness and success.

  24. Very interesting. I probably agree with this statement. These three phenomena happen in every human being. And happen still.
    When you zairas to your fridge and see that there is no matter what you want, then you're upset and do not want to have anything to eat. Of course there are other versions of why you're hungry. But it is quite a sad version and I don't want to remember them.
    Everyone fell in love and there are cases when this love is not mutual. And when a man finds out, she goes not herself. She wants nothing. This happens in adolescents. Of course to break the heart of man with the help of treason. After the betrayal the man makes some conclusions in his life and tries not to repeat such mistakes.
    At the moment, all there financial problems. Most people trying to solve them. They solve them differently. But they decide.
    Of course, all these phenomena strongly affect our lives and give us experience and lessons for life.

  25. a person stands out among others. because it is the accumulated knowledge of a person that helps to create something new. Errors of previous generations help the future to avoid difficulties. This is the experience. Sadness, problems and troubles make us hurt, get into the corner, but in return we fill up our experience. Every accident makes us a conclusions, and therefore learn something new. But what develops us most effectively?
    Yes, it is unfavorable situations, stress, trauma, unnecessary means to temper us. No wonder they say: "Everything that does not kill us, makes it stronger." Each problem, as a trap - makes you wriggle out and avoid in the future. It's postponed in memory. Solving problems we develop., a naked, a hungry and helpless man will be obliged to fight and after passing all the life tests will not be so defenseless. He will become a strong man with a baggage of knowledge and experience. Ready for any trouble.

  26. First of all,I agree with first part of this quote. Maybe you can think that I am not very kind person , but there are some advantages of capital punishment. Firstly, it is much more good for economical situations of the country. Life long retention is very expensive. On the other hand there are some disadvantages . For example it is possibility of miscarriage of justice. Many innocent people lost their lifes in this way. But now about "charity is wrong as a cure for poverly." I disagree with this part. For example if you buy a school uniform and books for child from Africa,you will give a chance him visit a school. Then this child grow up, he can become a successful person .
    But we can't help all of them.


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