
Showing posts from May, 2019
OMG! No school tomorrow. No school the day after tomorrow. Even no school after the day after tomorrow! We are having holidays. Yay!!!
External Independent Evaluation 2019: Physics
External Independent Evaluation 2019: English
Happy Monday!!!
Go for ZNO 2019: usage problems: Different from, different than •          The expression different from is more accepted. •          Less acceptable: Her idea of marriage is different than mine. •          Preferred: Her idea of marriage is different from mine.
External Independent Evaluation 2019: Ukrainian
Go for ZNO 2019: usage problems: Continual, continuous •          Continual means “occurring over and over in succession,” but continuous means “occurring without stopping.” •          His continual tardiness caused his dismissal from his post. •          His continuous absence from his post caused his dismissal.
External Independent Evaluation 2019: Maths
External Independent Evaluation 2019 is just around the corner:)
Quote of the Day: “I like a teacher who gives you something to take home to think about besides homework.”  ~Lily Tomlin as Edith Ann
Idiom of the Day:   Cut corners When something is done badly to save money.
Go for ZNO 2019: usage problems: Clipped words •          Avoid clipped or shortened words, such as gym, phone and photo in formal writing. •          Informal: I kept a photo of you and your family all these years. •          Formal: I kept a photograph of you and your family all these years.
You didn’t come here to be normal, you came here to be you.
Idiom of the Day: Caught between two stools When someone finds it difficult to choose between two alternatives.
The German opposite of “umfahren” (running something over) is “umfahren” (drive arbound something). Good luck mastering this language J
Go for ZNO 2019: usage problems: Can’t help •          Use can’t help plus a gerund; for example, can’t help crying. •          E.g. I cannot help wondering how I was able to solve all my problems.
Idiom of the Day: Curiosity killed the cat Being Inquisitive can lead you into an unpleasant situation.
The past is always tense. The future is perfect.
Go for ZNO 2019: usage problems: Can, may: •          Use can to mean “to have the ability to.” Use may to mean “have permission to.” •          Ability: You can certainly carry that load. •          Permission: Yes, you may use it. •          Possibility: You may overcome that challenge.
Idiom of the Day: Cry over spilt milk When you complain about a loss from the past.