Go for ZNO 2019: usage problems: Different from, different than • The expression different from is more accepted. • Less acceptable: Her idea of marriage is different than mine. • Preferred: Her idea of marriage is different from mine.
Go for ZNO 2019: usage problems: Continual, continuous • Continual means “occurring over and over in succession,” but continuous means “occurring without stopping.” • His continual tardiness caused his dismissal from his post. • His continuous absence from his post caused his dismissal.
Go for ZNO 2019: usage problems: Clipped words • Avoid clipped or shortened words, such as gym, phone and photo in formal writing. • Informal: I kept a photo of you and your family all these years. • Formal: I kept a photograph of you and your family all these years.
Go for ZNO 2019: usage problems: Can’t help • Use can’t help plus a gerund; for example, can’t help crying. • E.g. I cannot help wondering how I was able to solve all my problems.
Go for ZNO 2019: usage problems: Can, may: • Use can to mean “to have the ability to.” Use may to mean “have permission to.” • Ability: You can certainly carry that load. • Permission: Yes, you may use it. • Possibility: You may overcome that challenge.